Take a look at my senior year English class adventures

SAMO #2: Our Plastic Pollution Problem

Pollution and big corporations are two topics that, honestly, I know very little about. So for my second SAMO I decided to take a deeper look into how pollution is created, and the effect that pollution has on our environment.

My SAMO journey began with a trip to the Des Plaines Trail Systems with my classmate Parvi and her friend Emma. We planned this trip during class blocks and over text for a few weeks. Since it was going to be cold outside that day, we prepared by wearing heavy coats and warm pants. We also brought trash bags and gloves so we could pick up the trash safely. On December 10, Parvi and Emma picked me up early in the afternoon and we drove approximately 30 minutes to the start of the Des Plaines Trail System. For a distance reference, we actually got a little lost on the drive home and ended up at O’Hare Airport! Upon arriving to the parking lot, I immediately noticed a large amount of trash. I was honestly surprised by the amount of different types of plastic we found, along with beer bottles, metal cans, and cigarette butts.

I was also surprised by the amount of deer that were surrounding the parking lot! They kept walking up to us, I guess that the people who visit the trails feed the deer often. There was this one stag who followed us for almost 10 minutes. It freaked us out a bit since we did not know if it was going to hurt us or not. The pictures seen on the right were taken during our trip! They were taken by me and Parvi.

After about an hour we had filled three trash bags, and decided to go back since it was so cold. I really enjoyed this SAMO activity. It felt good to know that you were doing something to help the environment stay clean, and to prevent the wild animals there from eating all of the trash. 

The similarities between the tannery waste and microplastics are extremely concerning. One of the many take-aways in An Enemy of the People was that pollution is extremely harmful to those who rely on the contaminated water sources. Personally, it found it surprising that people would be willing to sacrifice the quality of the water in order to avoid taking a more difficult path. In class we discussed how it is unethical to let pollution like that continue, though upon reflection, we were being hypocritical. Everyday we create more plastic pollution by taking the easy route, for example using a plastic bag at the grocery store instead of a reusable one. By allowing companies to continue to use ridiculous amounts of plastic in their products, we are just contributing to an ever growing issue. As someone who was previously unaware of the amount of plastic that ends up in our environment each year, I will try to be more conscious of my plastic consumption. This SAMO experience really opened my eyes to the danger of pollution, and how large of a problem it’s become.

  1.  Avoid single-use plastics such as drinking straws, instead try a metal one!
  2.  If you go shopping, remember to take a cloth bag. Some shops, such as Trader Joe’s, offer a cloth bag at the checkout! 
  3.  Recycle chewing gum… it’s also made of plastic!
  4. Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged products. 
  5. Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers, like Mason Jars!
  6. Pay attention and put your plastic waste in the correct recycling container.
  7. Avoid using cosmetics that use micro-plastics.
  8. Choose to reuse and give some of the packaging a new purpose, such as refilling your plastic bottles!

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